5 Ways To Completely Blow A Job Interview

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There is not much else that is as stressful as a job interview. Here are 5 ways to blow a job interview from a professional.

I am not to proud to admit that when I was younger, I blew quite a few job interviews. Looking for a job is hard, and I figured that you learn from your mistakes. So, I ended up with a whole lot of experience in what not to do in an interview. Some of the interviews ended with an immediate job offer, others said they were looking for someone right away but didn't call me back for several months, while still others opted not to hire me at all. It's just the way it goes. As I matured, I became better at interviewing, and now it is not such a stressful proposition.

Seeing how I am such a professional when it comes to blowing job interviews, I decided to share my expertise with you, even though I never made most of these mistakes personally.

Here are 5 ways to blow a job interview:

  1. Show up late – Or, you could even show up – say – a half hour late without even bothering to call and let the interviewer know that you were delayed. This way, the interviewer won't feel comfortable moving on with her day, because she had to wait to see if you will show up instead. After 30 minutes goes by, she will probably give up waiting and move on to other tasks. So, when you arrive 30 minutes late, not only will you be showing that you are unreliable, you will get the added benefit of making the interviewer stop what they were doing to come back and interview you.

  2. Overbook yourself – Let's face it, you are a busy person. You don't have all day to hang around looking for jobs and going on interviews. So, instead of planning an interview around a time that you are free, make sure that the time you select is in between going to the gym and a dentist appointment. That way you'll be rushed and sweaty. Or, if you really want to blow the job interview, schedule it 10 minutes before you have to pick up your children from school. Then greet the interviewer while frantically calling people to ask them to pick up your kids for you.

  3. Pretend it's a date – Dress like you were going out to the club and make sure to flirt with everyone you run into. Interviews are always too stuffy anyways, so why not liven things up. So get out your high heels and short skirt so that you can show your prospective new employer that you know how to party. In fact, if you really want to blow the interview, why not pre-game with a few shots before you arrive? After all, you don't want to be too tight during the interview.

  4. Don't send a thank-you note – Hey, everyone knows that thank you notes are for suck ups and you are nothing of the kind. You wouldn't want to give the interviewer the impression that you want a job or that you know how to communicate in a respectful, professional manner. Besides, what are you thanking them for anyway? They already had to be at the office, you are the one who had to take time out of your busy day to come to their office and talk to them.

  5. Talk on your cell phone during the interview – Let's face it, you have more important things to do than sit there and listen to someone talk, talk, talk. Just because you have this interview scheduled doesn't mean that you don't have time to sweet talk that cute girl who finally returned your call. What? You don't have a cute girl calling you? It doesn't matter, call up your friends and get the latest gossip. The interviewer won't mind, and maybe you will liven up their day by letting them listen to you while you talk.

There are lots of ways to completely blow an interview. These are just a few.

Are there any other ways that I forgot? Let me know in the comments.

If you are looking for a job in Sales, visit SalesHeads for the best Sales job listings.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for SalesHeadsBlog, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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