Finding the Job That Fits Your Personality

John Krautzel
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The job search can be time-consuming and frustrating when you are seeking positions that are not a good fit for you. The key to professional happiness is finding a position that reflects the results of your career inventory and fits your personality. Learn how to seek opportunities that are in line with your career goals, experience and talent to find the perfect fit.

It may seem more comfortable to focus your job search on what you are familiar with or similar positions you have held in the past, but think more about your gifts and acquired skills to find a job that fits your personality. Make a career inventory of your skills and experience, and pinpoint positions that you desire versus what you are expected to do or have always leaned toward. Ask yourself what you enjoy, which industries encourage your creativity and the type of work you have found satisfying or rewarding. Employees are more likely to succeed in positions where they feel successful and accomplished versus jobs where they just go through the motions.

It is likely that your job search and past positions have taken you to new opportunities that were less than rewarding. Think in the long-term instead of short-term solutions. Reflect not only on what aspects of past positions you have enjoyed, but also what you are seeking to find in a long-term career. Many employees take positions to get by but do not see themselves with the company for the long haul. Seek opportunities through which you can imagine yourself retiring after a long tenure instead of hopping from one job to the next.

Consider your financial situation during the job search. Salary should not be the key determinant in accepting a position. Earning potential can change over time, which is why it is necessary for applicants to inquire about promotions, opportunities for advancement and the rate at which employees advance within the company. A high-dollar offer may be appealing, but if you can't see yourself meshing with the company culture or advancing your skills and talents, the job may not be the right fit for your personality over time.

Determine a position that is ideal for you by establishing a professional network to discuss opportunities. Individuals working in the industry often have advice, tips and inside information about firms hiring. Ask professionals in your network about the culture of a company, the management structure and the typical duties of a position during your job search to help decide if it is a good fit for your personality.

Focus your job search on discovering your likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and career preferences. Applicants who are confident in their abilities can pinpoint just the right position and company for a long, fulfilling career.

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