How Many Times Should You Follow Up After an Interview?

John Krautzel
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You can squander a promising opportunity by failing the follow up properly after a job interview. Not following up may show disinterest in the job, but following up too much may make you seem desperate for the position. Check in with a potential employer after an interview using these tips.

Send a Thank-You Note

Your first follow up should happen directly after the job interview. Send a quick thank-you note via email a few minutes after you leave the office, letting the hiring manager know it was a pleasure to meet with him. Alternatively, you can hand-write a thank-you note when you get home and send it in the mail later that day. Personalize your message by mentioning a specific topic or statement made during the interview.

Check In a Few Days After the Expected Time

Before your job interview ends, ask the hiring manager when you should expect hear back. If you do not hear back from the employer within the specified time frame, send the hiring manager a short email to follow up.

Contact the Employer When It's Okay to Do So

Perhaps an employer told you that it's okay to check in within a certain time frame after the job interview. If the hiring manager says, "We're still interviewing candidates, so feel free to check in two weeks from now," then by all means, call in two weeks later.

Walk the Fine Line

If the employer seems interested hiring you, keep the lines of communication open. However, remain tactful and conscientious of your communication, and make sure to defer to the employer's stated timeline when referencing why you're calling. Let the interviewer know that you're eager to start working with the team.

Stay in Contact When Weeks or Months Pass By

An employer may take weeks or months to decide. If you see the position is still open long after your interview, send a follow up email. Let the employer know about a recent accomplishment that makes you even more qualified for the job, and ask for an interview. Continue to follow up periodically if you don't hear back but see that the position is still open.

Say Thanks, Even If You Didn't Get the Position

If you find out you didn't get the job, send the hiring manager a courteous thank-you email. After all, the employer spent valuable time speaking with you during the job interview. Remain polite and respectful in your correspondence, and don't be afraid to ask the employer to consider you for future opportunities.

Following up properly after a job interview can make you stand out from other candidates. If all other things are equal, you could land the position with the right strategy.

Photo courtesy of imagerymajestic at


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