Reasons Why Millennial Superstars Steer Clear of Your Company

Joe Weinlick
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If your company is experiencing a recruitment slump, a poor reputation could be driving talented candidates away. In a 2017 Lee Hecht Harrison survey, 75 percent of millennial workers said they get the lowdown on employers from past and current employees, and 33 percent are influenced by negative reviews. Millennial workers expect companies to prioritize employee engagement and avoid employers that fall short. Don't overlook these key reasons your talent pool is shrinking.

1. Poor Direction

High performers understand the importance of thinking strategically and focusing their energy where it's needed most. Yet, they can't make efficient decisions without clear objectives. If your leadership team is doing a poor job of showing the workforce how each role ties in with company goals, you can bet job seekers have heard about it. More than any other generation, millennial workers rely on social media and word-of-mouth to learn about daily operations. Millennials want to succeed and feel challenged at work, and they can't set realistic goals if they don't know what's expected of them.

2. Lack of Feedback

Millennial workers came of age in a data-driven era of constant learning, so they value regular feedback to speed growth. Companies that only conduct yearly performance reviews are missing opportunities to improve operations, clear up miscommunications and foster employee relationships. Employees feel more confident and empowered when they have continuous feedback about their strengths and weakness, enabling them to produce better results for the company. At the same time, closely overseeing employee growth helps you groom talented workers to become future leaders.

3. Rigid Company Culture

An outdated corporate culture is one of the top reasons millennial workers steer clear of unattractive companies. While work martyrs still exist, technological advancements make it unnecessary for star employees to stay glued to their workstations. Millennials prioritize work-life balance and seek out companies that support flexible work schedules and telecommuting. Not to mention, many workers rank time for family and personal pursuits above salary. If you expect people with different personalities and lifestyles to be equally productive in a rigid work environment, don't be surprised when you stop bringing in top candidates.

4. No Positive Reinforcement

Gone are the days of blindly loyal employees who slave away for companies without recognition. Employees have a direct impact on a company's bottom line, but many leaders don't make the effort to thank workers for the countless ways they solve problems, increase revenue and take care of customers. Employee engagement gradually declines when workers never receive appreciation, and it's difficult to revive a detached workforce. If you want employees to spread positive messages about the company, offer a simple "thank you" or "good job" when they're doing well.

5. Lack of Transparency

In a culture overrun with secrecy and dishonesty, employees feel like worthless cogs who don't deserve to be in the loop about organizational goals. Millennial workers are more invested in company objectives when leaders are open about changes and setbacks. Poor communication creates a toxic, fear-driven workplace, motivating current employees to jump ship and warn others away.

Great workers are a priceless investment, and they can attract your next batch of star employees. Instead of resenting millennial workers who are outspoken about their priorities, take advantage of their feedback to develop effective talent management programs.

Photo courtesy of MSLGROUP Global at


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