What Really Matters When It Comes to Corporate Culture

Mariana Toledo
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Time and time again, corporate culture has been refined. Over the past year toxic workplaces and their lack of inclusivity have been brought into the spotlight. Although donuts in the morning and taco Tuesday are fun perks for employees, employers should focus on making their workplace a welcoming place for both current and future employees. A cultural crisis within your company is something you want to avoid. Approximately 30% of employees expressed concerns about a possible cultural crisis in 2020. Here are three tips for avoiding a cultural crisis and creating welcoming corporate cultures.

1. Go Back to Your Roots
A company's mission statement and core values are among the first things it develops when starting out. The next time your corporate culture shifts to a toxic place, go back to these core values. You should remind your employees what your company stands for and invite them to suggest any changes that need to be made—maybe that’s done through an anonymous survey. If your company's core values are outdated, now is the time to craft one that stands true to the company's name. The important thing is to reestablish trust within your team. By reexamining your core values and why each employee matters, you can create a healthier company culture.

2. Promote Personal Connections
Working from home is not a new concept. But, 2020 flipped it on its head. As more people are choosing to work at home, it is important to re-establish the community that existed before everyone left the office in a hurry. Even when employees are communicating via email or virtual chat, it's not the same as seeing someone in person. Whether it's before, after, or during a meeting, allow the team to catch up, like they would if they simply bumped into someone on the elevator, or at the water cooler. The result will be more connections, more conversations, and a more cohesive group.

3. Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion issues in the workplace are not new. Many companies are stuck in the past and refuse to adapt to the new, more respectable norm. If you have a non-binary employee for example, it is a good idea to have your other employees use their pronouns so they don't feel like they are the center of attention. Microaggressions, instances of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group, are also important to note. There are organizations that host webinars or seminars promoting diversity and inclusion. Having your business practices up to date is imperative when new issues emerge or something happens in the corporate world.

It's possible your company has bigger fish to fry, but that shouldn't undermine your corporate culture. A successful company understands how important it is to know its culture.


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