Finding Work You Love

Nancy Anderson
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Your career search can leave you feeling uninspired and exhausted when the right opportunities are not coming your way. However, finding work you love is an attainable goal. Eliminate the dread you feel and jumpstart your efforts as a job seeker with these strategies.

Accept the Challenge

It's no secret that a career search can be time-consuming and even disheartening when job offers are not flooding your inbox. But the challenge of finding a career or job you love doesn't have to leave you feeling down in the dumps. Accept that finding a good fit is going to be difficult at times. Instead of swimming in self-doubt or losing all motivation, dive head first into the challenge by re-evaluating your efforts. Are you seeking out positions that are in line with your qualifications? Have you lowered your standards and applied to companies that do not offer what you're seeking for your future? Consider your strategies thus far, and evaluate whether you need to overhaul your search efforts to attract companies that have similar missions and goals as you do.

Embrace Your Network

Find inspiration for your career search by connecting with people who love their jobs and can offer you assistance within your field. Join online chat boards to launch discussions about the inner workings of your field and potential openings, and attend local workshops or networking events to mingle and mix with like-minded professionals. When influenced by another individual who is eager and willing to charge forth with his job search efforts, you may find the enthusiasm is contagious and helpful for your own career search.

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

As a job seeker, it's easy to fall into a routine of sending out resumes and cover letters on a daily basis. However, if you find yourself taking the same approach each and every day, you are likely to see your results are not as fruitful. Try something different to boost your motivation and inspiration. For example, if you've focused your search efforts on local companies, consider looking outside of your area for opportunities. Dig deeper into openings that are different from your previous work experience to evaluate your transferable skills. Instead of maintaining a consistent schedule, consider performing your career search at different times each day so you can see what type of postings arrive late in the evening or early in the morning.

Finding a job you love may not be easy at first, but if you spend time assessing your skills, your needs and your wants, you are more likely to find opportunities within your career search that are much more appealing to you. As a result, your enthusiasm and creativity will thrive, making you the most attractive candidate for the position you desire.



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